A painter in the throes of a creative block finds inspiration thanks to a fascinating and mysterious gallery owner, but he can't expect the shocking consequences of their encounter.

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A painter in the throes of a creative block finds inspiration thanks to a fascinating and mysterious gallery owner, but he can't expect the shocking consequences of their encounter.

Noir | 4K | 12m


Andrea lives with a girl who looks after him but who forbids him to open a door in the house.

Horror | 4K | 18m

Le Farfalle non sanno nuotare

Nabil has to deal with his phobia caused by a trauma he has suffered.

Drammatico | HD | 13m

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Poster for the movie ""

The Adolf Factor

Dopo aver sentito dalla figlia un aneddoto legato ad un bambino di nome Benito, Stefano decide di farsi i baffi in stile Hitler…

Drammatico | HD | 13m


B è una ragazza orfana cresciuta con un boss malavitoso, P. È il suo lavoro recuperare una pen drive rubata da P che contiene…

Crime | HD | 11m

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